Torfa Ben El Gabel
This dive site is located on the north-western end of Small Giftun Island and is accessible during almost all weather conditions due to the fact that it’s sheltered by the reef itself. The dive site consists of the main reef and any ergs scattered over the sandy bottom.
Dive route:
The mooring place is located in half-lagoon-like bay created by the northern part of the reef and three ergs located on it western end. Under the boat one can find about 10 m depth. Keeping the reef on the right hand side we go through the lagoon towards narrow channel separating the main reef from the three ergs. Usually medium to strong current can be found there which can be either swam through or avoided taking the route around the three ergs here the current would be weaker. The ergs themselves are rather not interesting from their southern side but their northern side is full of marine life. Taking the turn by the last erg we follow along them keeping them on our right hand side and soon we shall reach the main reef. 50 m further to the north turning a bit left we can find another beautiful erg. Returning to the main wall and keeping it on our left hand side we take care not to miss our channel leading us towards the lagoon. It is our recommendation to dive here with a local guide as this dive site is known for its navigational tricks. It is best to plan this dive carefully observing its peculiar topography before entering the water.
Flora & fauna:
It is one of the most interesting dive sites around Hurghada and surely one of most photographed. The ergs are densely covered with soft and hard corals, hundreds of fishes are swimming around them. Eagle Rays and Dolphins can b often seen here. Most interesting are the depths in range of 5 m-10 m where sunlight easily penetrate the water making it ideal spot for those best holidays underwater shots.
Depth: from 6 m to 20 m
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